
1. The dying leaves became brown and curled up. 快死的葉子發黃而卷曲。
2. She curled up in front of the fire with a book. 她蜷曲在爐火前看書。
3. The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 這個可愛的小男孩長著漂亮的金黃色卷髮。
4. This word is no longer in current use. 這個詞現在已經不再使用。
5. The current is strongest in the middle of the river. 河中央的水流最急。
6. This button switches the current on. 這個電鈕接通電流。
7. I drew the curtain as it was getting dark. 天黑了,我把窗簾拉上。
8. The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke. 城堡被一層煙霧遮掩著。
9. Social customs vary greatly from country to country. 國與國之間的社會習俗有很大差異。
10. She followed her usual custom of spending Sunday at her villa at the seaside. 她按照通常的習慣,在海濱別墅度過了星期天。
11. It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs. 我們的海關檢查只花了幾分鐘時間。
12. Don't cut your finger on the broken glass. 別讓碎玻璃割傷你的手。
13. His cruel remarks cut me deeply. 他那無情的話太傷我的心了。
14. Before this play is broadcast several cuts must be made. 這個劇目播出前必須經過數次剪輯。
15. I go to the university twice daily. 我每天去那所大學兩次。
16. I like to read China Daily on my way home. 我喜歡在回家的途中閱讀《中國日報》。
17. She loves to dance to music. 她喜歡隨著音樂跳舞。
18. The waves danced in the sunlight. 波浪在陽光下跳舞。
19. Her whole life has been given to the study of dance. 她一生獻身於研究舞蹈。
20. The operation is a success and now the patient is out of danger. 手術成功了,病人現在已脫離危險。
21. Violent criminals like that are a danger to society. 那種暴力罪犯對社會是一種危害。 22. It's dangerous to be so near to the tiger. 離老虎那麼近是很危險的。
23. His dog looks dangerous. 他的狗看上去很危險。
24. How dare you say such a thing? 你怎敢說出這樣的話?
25. He dared me to jump over the river. 他激我跳過河。
26. I dare say you are right. 我認為你是對的。
27. It's a dark and moonless night. 這是一個黑暗無月的夜晚。
28. Some children are afraid of the dark. 有些小孩怕黑。
29. He turned off the light and the room was in complete darkness. 他關上了燈,室內一片漆黑。
30. He dashed across the street and ran towards me. 他衝過馬路,向我跑過來。
31. This Greek dish is of a very early date. 這個希臘盤子是很早時期的製品。
32. They made a date to meet soon. 他們約定不久見面。
33. I can't date that house exactly, but it must be very old. 我不能確切地說出那所房子的年代,但一定是很古老的。
34. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have 3 daughters. 仲斯夫婦有三個女兒。
35. Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters. 聖女貞德是法國最偉大的女性之一。
36. He is the man of the day. 他是時下的風雲人物。
37. You can see stars by night, but not by day. 你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天卻看不到。
38. His love for you is dead. 他對你的愛情已不復存在。
39. The meeting will deal with these problems. 本次會議將就這些問題作出處理。
40. It means a great deal to her. 這對她意義重大。
41. He holds life dear. 他珍視生命。
42. The accident cost him dear. 這次事故使他損失慘重。
43. Car accident caused many deaths. 車禍造成很多人死亡。
44. That defeat meant the death of all my hopes. 那次失敗毀滅了我所有的希望。
45. We owe you a debt of gratitude for you help. 承蒙幫助,感恩不盡。
46. We'll run into debt if you spend more than our income. 要是你花的比我們掙的還多,我們就要欠債了。
47. He deceived me into signing the papers. 他騙我在文件上簽了字。
48. You are deceiving yourself if you still believe that she loves you. 你如果還相信她愛你,你就是在欺騙自己。
49. My little daughter was born in December. 我的小女兒是十二月出生的。
50. Don't decide on important matters too quickly. 不要過於匆忙地對重要的事情作決定。
51. He decided to get married. 他決定結婚。
52. Britain declared war on Germany in 1914. 英國在1914年向德國宣戰。
53. I now declare this meeting open. 我現在宣布會議開幕。
54. The customs asked me if I had anything to declare. 海關人員問我是否有要報稅的東西。
55. Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help. 當有人需要救助的時候,行動勝於言語。
56. The deer escaped to the deep forest. 那鹿逃入了叢林深處。
57. The ship sank deep into the sea. 船深深地沉入了海底。
58. The union said that they would take action to defend their member's jobs. 工會說他們將採取行動維護會員的工作權益。
59. How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure? 你怎麼能為殺死動物取樂的行為辯護呢?
60. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. 水在攝氏零度結冰。
61. They cannot be trusted in the slightest degree. 對他們一點也不能相信。
62. To do this job, you must have a degree in English. 從事這個工作你必須具有英語專業的大學學位。
63. We decided to delay our wedding until next year. 我們決定把婚禮推遲到明年。
64. Our plane was delayed by fog. 我們的飛機因大霧而誤點了。
65. After much delay, he finished his paper at last. 拖了那麼久,他終於完成了論文。
66. He takes great delight in painting. 他愛好繪畫。
67. He delighted the audience with his performance. 他用他的表演使觀眾喜悅。
68. Newspapers are delivered every day. 報紙每天都送來。
69. The doctor delivered her baby. 醫生給她接生。
70. They prayed to God to deliver them from danger. 他們祈求上帝把他們從危險中拯救出來。
71. The accused man denies that he has ever met her. 被告否認他曾經遇到過她。
72. I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大學的機會。
73. He has denied his country and his principles! 他已經背棄了自己的國家和原則!
74. The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour. 開往北京的火車將於半小時後從三站台開出。
75. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 小孩依賴他們的父母供給衣食。
76. The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 這個國家的經濟在很大程度上依靠其旅遊業。
77. We are depending on you to finish the paper by Friday. 我們相信你在星期五之前可以完成這篇論文。
78. The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened. 警察讓我描述一下這事是怎樣發生的。
79. The guard deserted his post. 衛兵擅自離開了他的崗位。
80. The baby's mother deserted him soon after giving birth. 那個母親生下他後不久就把他遺棄了。
81. The writer decided to live in the Sahara Desert for some time. 那位作家決定去撒哈拉沙漠住一段日子。
82. He deserved to be punished. 他應當受到懲罰。
83. You've been working all morning---you deserve a rest. 你已經乾了一個上午了,該休息一下了。
84. I desire happiness. 我渴望幸福。
85. I am filled with desire to go back home. 我心中充滿了回家的渴望。
86. There is a desk in the boy's room. 小男孩的房間裡有張寫字檯。
87. You may leave your key at the reception desk. 你可以把鑰匙留在服務台。
88. An atom bomb would destroy a city. 一顆原子彈能摧毀一座城市。
89. She found out her husband was a devil soon after her marriage. 結婚後不久她就發現她丈夫是一個邪惡的人。
90. The grass was wet with dew. 草被露水打濕了。
91. She wears a diamond ring on her left hand. 她左手上戴著一枚鑽石戒指。
92. His secret died with him, for he never told anyone. 他的秘密至死也不為人知,因為他從未告訴過別人。
93. Flowers make no difference to this room. 這房間有沒有花沒什麼區別。
94. He's a different man from what he was 10 years ago. 他和十年前不一樣。