
1. He lost all feeling in his toes. 他的腳趾完全失去了知覺。
2. I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有種感覺我們正被人跟蹤。
3. He was cut off from his fellows. 他和同伴失去聯繫。
4. Mary talked with me across the garden fence. 瑪麗和我隔著花園籬笆交談。
5. Could you run and fetch a doctor for me? 你能跑去給我請一個醫生嗎?
6. Flu is an infectious disease characterized by fever, aches and pains and exhaustion. 流感是一種傳染病,其特徵是發熱、全身疼痛和疲乏無力。
7. Football fever gripped the town when the local team reached the cup final. 在當地的足球隊打進了優勝杯的決賽圈後, 全市掀起一陣足球熱。
8. We saw few students there. 我們在那兒幾乎沒看見學生。
9. Few of us have his address. 我們中幾乎沒有人知道他的地址。
10. They rode through forests and fields. 他們騎馬穿過森林和原野。
11. He has become famous in his own field. 他在自己的領域裡已經出名了。
12. Many farmers are working in the fields. 許多農民在田裡幹活。
13. She is fifteen. 她十五歲。
14. He passed me one fifth of the cake. 他遞給我五分之一個蛋糕。
15. My mother is fifty years old. 我母親已經五十歲了。
16. He was always fighting with his neighbors about the noise. 他常常為了噪音和鄰居們爭吵。
17. Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history. 甘地在印度歷史上是政治和宗教要人。
18. They figured it was better to stay where they were. 他們斷定還是呆在原地好。
19. Please fill the cup with water. 請把這個杯子裝滿水,
20. Laughter filled the room. 房間裡充滿了笑聲。
21. The game is now in its final stages. 這場比賽現在處於最後階段。
22. This is our final offer. 這是我方的最後報價。
23. He is expected to get through to the finals. 我們期待他進入決賽。
24. After several delays, he finally set out at 8 o'clock. 幾經耽擱,他終於在八點鐘出發了。
25. It's not finally settled yet. 這件事還沒有最終決定。
26. We have found oil under the North Sea. 我們在北海發現了石油。
27. I think I'm lost; I can't find the bridge. 我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座橋了。
28. He is a very fine musician. 他是個卓越的音樂家。
29. Please cut up the vegetables very fine. 請把蔬菜切成碎末。
30. Have you handed in your fine? 你交了罰款了嗎?
31. He was fined 200 dollars. 他被罰款200美元。
32. The pen slips out of my fingers. 鋼筆從我指縫中滑下去了。
33. When do you finish your college course? 你什麼時候完成大學課程?
34. That was a close finish! 比賽幾乎分不出勝負!
35. A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire. 在天氣乾燥時把點燃的香煙扔進樹林可能會引起火災。
36. She fired her gun at them. 她用槍向他們射擊。
37. He was fired by his boss. 他被他的老闆解雇了。
38. He has established his own firm. 他已建立起自己的公司。
39. The pound stayed firm against dollar in London but fell a little in New York. 在倫敦英鎊對美元仍堅挺,但在紐約卻跌了一點兒。
40. The government must act to firm prices up. 政府必須採取行動使物價穩定下來。
41. Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是一周的第一天。
42. Read the text first and then explain the new words. 先讀課文,然後解釋生詞。
43. He was the first to be there. 他是第一個到達那裡的。
44. We caught three little fishes. 我們捉到三條小魚。
45. The beach is a good place to fish from. 海灘是釣魚的好地方。
46. He will just fit the post. 他很適合這個職位。
47. This dress doesn't fit me. 這件衣服不適合我。
48. He runs 3 miles every morning; that's why he is so fit. 他每天早晨跑三哩路,因此才那麼健康。
49. There are five apples on the table. 桌子上有五個蘋果。
50. We've fixed the date for the wedding. 我們已決定了結婚的日子。
51. I must get the radio fixed. 我必須找人把收音機修理好。
52. Flags are fluttering in the breeze. 旗子在風中飄揚。
53. After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag. 步行了四個小時以後,我們開始累了。
54. The evening sky flamed with red and orange. 傍晚天空的顏色是一片火紅和橘黃相間。
55. The days seem to flash by. 光陰似箭。
56. Flashes of lightning illuminated the scene. 閃電的亮光照亮了現場。
57. Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 這個博物館裡不準使用閃光燈。
58. He spread the map flat out on the floor. 他把地圖平鋪在地上。
59. My request was met with a flat refusal. 我的要求遭到了斷然拒絕。
60. They divided the house into flats. 他們把那棟房屋分成許多套住房。
61. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有餘而力不足。
62. She photographed the birds in flight. 她拍攝鳥兒飛行的照片。
63. I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我將為你預訂直飛倫敦的航班。
64. The old woman fell down a flight of stairs. 那位老太太從一段樓梯上摔了下來。
65. The town was destroyed by the floods after the storm. 暴風雨後的洪水衝毀了這座城鎮。
66. Every spring the river floods the valley. 每年春天河水把山谷淹沒。
67. Settlers flooded from Europe to America in the 19th century. 十九世紀歐洲移民紛紛涌到了美國。
68. Our office is on the first floor. 我們的辦公室在一樓。
69. We planned to floor our room with oak. 我們計劃用橡木材料給房間鋪地板。
70. We made some bread with the flour he bought for us. 我們用他給我們帶來的麵粉做了一些麵包。
71. This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean. 這條河流向西南,匯入大西洋。
72. The flow of melted snow cascaded down the mountainside and into the river. 溶化的雪水如瀑布般沿著山崖邊瀉入河裡。
73. The garden will look very beautiful when all the plants are in flower. 等所有的植物都開花時,花園會顯得非常漂亮。
74. Cherry trees flower in the early spring. 櫻桃樹在早春開花。
75. The aircraft was flying above thick fog. 飛機在濃霧上空飛行。
76. How time flies! 時間過得真快!
77. They are just simple country folk. 他們只不過是普通的村民。
78. I'd like you to meet my folks. 我想要你見見我的父母。
79. He is a very popular folk singer. 他是一位很受歡迎的民歌手。
80. The little boy followed his father out. 小男孩跟隨他父親出去了。
81. The police are following a murderer who's in hiding. 警察正在追趕藏匿起來的殺人犯。
82. I didn't quite follow; could you explain it again? 我不太明白,你能再解釋一下嗎?
83. She has many shortcomings, but we're all very fond of her. 雖然她有許多缺點,但我們都很喜歡她。
84. My little son is fond of playing practical jokes on me. 我的小兒子喜歡對我玩惡作劇。
85. A fond mother may spoil her child. 溺愛的母親可能會寵壞她的孩子。
86. I prefer vegetarian food. 我喜歡吃素食。
87. What a fool I was to believe he is a good man. 我竟然相信他是個好人,我真是個傻瓜。
88. I felt rather foolish when I couldn't answer the teacher's question. 當我回答不出老師的提問時,我覺得自己很愚蠢。
89. Jim is going to get material for a new book. 吉姆正打算為一部新書準備材料。
90. Are you for or against? 你是贊成還是反對?
91. He shook his head, for he thought differently. 他搖搖頭,因為他的想法與此不同。
92. I forbid you to tell anyone. 我不許你告訴任何人。
93. Smoking is forbidden in this office. 這間辦公室禁止吸煙。
94. Lack of time forbids any further discussion at the point. 由於時間不夠,現在不能深入討論這個問題。