U.S. weather watchers turn to furry forecasters 美國氣象觀察者轉向動物預測專家求助

With confidence in private weather forecasters slipping in the wake of some prediction gaffes during the past couple of years, perhaps woolly worms can take up the slack. 在過去數年間,不少氣象預測鬧出笑話後,民眾對民間氣象預測專家的信心也隨之下降,現在或許可讓毛毛蟲來接手預報。
  • ph1. 尾隨(而至)
  • []n.1. 【法】失禮,失態(尤指社交、外交上的出醜)
  • []a.1. 羊毛(製)的2. 長滿羊毛的;羊毛狀的,毛茸茸的
  • []a.1. 鬆弛的,不緊的;不嚴的2. 懈怠的;疏忽的;馬虎的3. 閒的,呆滯的,蕭條的
For instance, predictions for a severe winter didn’t pan out the last time around, nor did projections for a brutal 2006 hurricane season. 例如上次有關冬季氣候酷寒的預測並未實現,另外所謂2006年颶風季威力驚人的預測也一樣落空。
  • ph1. (結果)成功
  • []n.1. 預測,推測;估計
So some analysts are eyeing this year’s predictions with a bit more scepticism than usual. Natural gas broker Jay Levine said he takes any weather prediction with a grain of salt, whether it comes from a meteorologist or a woolly worm. "People will believe what they want to believe," he said.因此有些分析家難免要用比平常更加懷疑的眼光,來看待今年的天氣預報。天然氣交易員勒凡說,他對任何天氣預測都抱持保留態度,不論是來自氣象學家或毛毛蟲的預測。「人們總會相信任何他們想要相信的事,」他說。
  • []n.1. 【英】懷疑態度
  • []n.[C]1. 經紀人,掮客,代理人,中間人2. 股票(或證券)經紀人(=stockbroker)3. (訂合同的)中人
  • ph1. 有保留地
  • []n.1. 氣象學者
Some energy traders look instead to woolly worms, small fuzzy caterpillars that are the larva of the Isabella tiger moth, as predictors of winter weather. 有些能源交易商現在轉向毛毛蟲求助,將其視為冬季氣候的預測者,這種毛茸茸的昆蟲其實是伊莎貝拉虎蛾的幼蟲。
  • []a.1. 有絨毛的2. 模糊不清的
  • []n.[C]1. 毛蟲,蠋(蝶、蛾的幼蟲)2. 履帶牽引車(諸如坦克之類)3. 履帶車
  • []n.1. 【動】幼蟲;幼體[C]
  • ph.1. 【昆】虎蛾;燈蛾
According to Roy Krege, the coordinator of the annual Woolly Worm Festival held in North Carolina, a woolly worm can tell the winter with 87 percent accuracy. As a rule, the blacker the caterpillar, the harsher the winter," said Krege.根據在北卡羅萊納州舉行的毛毛蟲節策畫人克瑞格表示,毛毛蟲對冬季氣候的預測正確率高達87% 。「一般而言,毛毛蟲的顏色愈深,冬季氣候就愈嚴寒,」克瑞格說。
  • []n.[C]1. 協調者2. 同等的人(或物)
  • []n.1. 正確(性);準確(性)[U]
  • ph.1. 通常

take/pick up the slack:片語,指接手他人做到一半的事、完成或補足未完成的部份,如New sources of oil will take up the slack resulting from the embargo. (新油源將補足石油禁運所造成的油源空缺。)
  • ph.1. 產生;起因於
  • []n.1. 封港令;禁運2. 禁止(或限制)買賣3. 禁止,阻止

pan out:動詞片語,指事情的發展,尤指結果成功,如We’ll have to see how things pan out. (我們得靜候情勢發展是否成功。)
take sth with a grain/pinch of salt:片語,指對某人或某事持謹慎保留態度、不完全相信。如It’s interesting to read the reports in the newspapers, but I tend to take them with a grain of salt. (報上的報導讀來很有趣,但我傾向對其持保留態度。)

No sex for 40 mln years? No problem for 1 organism 4000萬年沒性生活?對一種有機體來說不成問題

One microscopic organism has thrived despite remaining celibate for tens of millions of years thanks to a neat evolutionary trick, researchers said.研究人員表示,儘管數千萬年來都是單身(只有雌性),一種微小的有機體仍然活得好好的,這都歸因於一項獨特的演化奧秘。
  • []a.只能從顯微鏡裡看到的;微小的
  • []n.[C]1. 生物,有機體2. 機體,有機組織
  • []vi.1. 興旺,繁榮;成功[(+on)]2. 茁壯成長;茂盛生長
  • []n.1. 獨身者;獨身主義者a.1. 獨身的;獨身主義的
  • []a.1. 整潔的;整齊的2. 工整的;勻稱的,樣子好的3. 熟練的;靈巧的

Asexual reproduction has allowed duplicate gene copies of the single-celled creatures -- called bdelloid rotifers -- to become different over time.無性繁殖讓這種稱為「蛭形輪蟲」的單細胞生物,可以讓基因在複製過程中隨著時間的演進而產生不同變化。

  • []a.【生】1. 無性的2. 無性生殖的3. 無性慾的
  • []a.1. 可複製的;可加倍的;可再發生的
  • []n.1. 【動】輪蟲

This gives the rotifers a wider pool of genes to help them adapt and survive, the researchers said in the journal Science.研究人員在「科學」期刊上指出,這種方式讓蛭形輪蟲擁有更廣的基因庫,幫助它們適應環境並存活下來。

"It is like having a bigger tool kit," Alan Tunnacliffe, a molecular biologist at the University of Cambridge, said in a telephone interview. "You can do the same job but better." 「這就像是擁有一個更大的工具箱,」劍橋大學分子生物學家亞倫.圖納克里夫接受電話訪問時說。「你可以做同一件事,卻做得更好。」

  • []a.1. 分子的;由分子組成的

Other researchers had shown the translucent, waterborne creatures could survive for 40 million years without sexual relations. 其他研究人員則發現,這種半透明的水生生物4000萬年來都沒有性生活,卻依然活得好好的。

  • []a.1. 半透明的2. 【罕】透明的;清澈的3. 清楚易懂的
  • []a.1. 浮於水上的;漂流的2. 水路運輸的3. 由飲水傳染的;水傳播的
  • ph.性交

"Sexual reproduction is supposed to be a good thing in evolution," Tunnacliffe said. "So when you come across an organism like the bdelloid, which hasn’t engaged in sexual reproduction for tens of millions of years, you begin to question why sex is important." 「有性生殖被認為有助於演化,」圖納克里夫說。「但當你碰到像蛭形輪蟲這樣的生物,已經數千萬年沒有有性生殖,你會開始質疑性愛真有那麼重要。」

  • ph.1. 偶然碰見2. 【口】還,還清3. 走過來4. 出現於
  • ph1. 從事於;忙於;埋頭致力於

celibate:名詞,獨身者、獨身主義者;形容詞,獨身的、獨身主義的。He remained celibate since his wife died 10 years ago.(從他太太10年前過世後,他一直未娶。)
reproduction:名詞,再生、生殖、繁殖、複製、複製品、再現。asexual reproduction(無性繁殖);sexual reproduction(有性生殖)。
translucent:形容詞,半透明的、清澈的、清楚易懂的。translucent glass(半透明玻璃)。注意其與transparent(透明的)的區別。

Penis enlargements for Diggers 澳洲大兵的陰莖增大術

MEN in the Australian Defence Force can apply for penis enhancement surgery provided they have compelling medical or psychological reasons.
  • 澳洲軍隊
  • []n. 提高,增加
  • []a.1. 強制的2. 令人注目的;令人感嘆的
  • []a.1. 心理學的;心理學家的2. 心理的,精神的

The news comes as Defence revealed it spends up to $1 million a year on plastic surgery. The figure has grown from $670,000 in 2004-05 to $1.1 million last year.

  • []vt.1. 展現,顯露出2. 揭示,揭露;暴露;洩露
  • [ ]ph.1. 【醫】整形外科

A defence spokesman said there was nothing to stop men in uniform from seeking enhancements.

It was also revealed that 13 serving women had breast enhancement surgery since 2005. Troops had also received taxpayer-funded tummy tucks and scar removals.

  • 隆乳手術
  • []n.【兒】肚子,胃
  • []vt. 使縮起,收攏
  • []n.1. 移動;調動;搬遷2. 除去;削除;排除

另據透露, 自2005年以來,有13名現役女兵接受隆乳手術。軍人還接受由納稅人出錢支付的腹壁整形及除疤手術。
"The policy does not discriminate on the basis of sex," the spokesman said.

  • []vt.1. 區別,辨別[(+from)]2. 區分出,辨出;區別於
  • []1. 基於...

But it does discriminate on the basis of vanity. A soldier with a big nose seeking surgery to enhance his appearance would be told to see a civilian doctor. Another facing breathing difficulties from his damaged nose might be eligible for plastic surgery. 不過,若是出於虛榮心,就另當別論。鼻子大的士兵若想藉手術改善容貌,會被告知自己去看民間醫生。因鼻子受損而面臨呼吸困難問題的士兵,則可能有資格接受整形手術。

  • []n.1. 自負;虛榮(心)2. 虛幻;無意義,無益
  • []n.[C]1. (與軍、警相對的)平民,百姓a.1. 平民的;百姓的;民用的
  • []a.1. 有資格當選的;法律上合格的n.1. 合格者,合適的人

tummy tuck:為「腹壁整形術」(abdominoplasty)的俗稱,是一種用於包括從腹腔中取出贅肉等的外科手術。
vanity.:名詞,虛榮(心)。例句:He did that to gratify his girlfriend’s vanity. (他做那事,是要滿足女友的虛榮。)

  • []vt.1. 使高興,使滿意2. 滿足(慾望等)

The sack mishap 拿錯袋子啦!

Paco was walking down the street one day carrying a sack of chili peppers when Mark and Kathleen passed by him in a truck. Paco needed to deliver the peppers to a restaurant in town, and Mark and Kathleen offered to give him a ride.
  • []紅番椒(一種墨西哥菜用的調味料)
"Where are you heading to?" Paco said after he had jumped into the back of the truck.

"We're going to the movie studio downtown," Kathleen said. "Mark has been hired to blow dried coconut over the actors and actresses for a winter scene. That's what all those bags of dried coconut are for."

The three reached town and Paco got out. He thanked Mark and Kathleen for the ride and went to make his delivery.

Mark and Kathleen continued on to the movie set. They arrived just as filming was about to begin.

"Everybody, in your positions," the director said. "Mark, start blowing."

Kathleen opened up a bag and Mark sucked up the contents with his trunk, then he blew it out over the actors and actresses. Kathleen kept handing Mark more and more bags.
  • [ ] 吸收
Meanwhile, Paco arrived at the restaurant and gave his sack of chili peppers to the chef, who opened it up and said, "Dried coconut! I didn't order dried coconut …"


1. chili pepper n. 紅辣椒
例: Chili peppers make food spicy. 紅辣椒為食物增添辣味。
2. coconut n. 椰子
例: "Coconut sauce is very, very delicious," Eric said. 「椰子醬非常非常美味,」艾瑞克說。
3. delivery n. 送貨
例: The delivery will be finished in the next hour. 這批貨會在下個小時內送完。
4. chef n. 廚師
例: I want to marry a chef. 我想嫁給一個大廚。

Write your own ending to the story! 寫下你的故事結局:
Idea 1: Paco grabbed the wrong bag! At the movie set, Kathleen hands Mark the bag of chili peppers, which he sucks up. How does Mark feel after sucking up the chili peppers? Does he blow them out over the actors and actresses? What happens to the movie set?
Idea 2: Paco grabbed the wrong bag! He runs to the movie set. Does Paco make it before Kathleen hands Mark the chili peppers? What does the director say when he sees Paco? Is the chef able to cook food without the chili peppers?
Idea 3: Kathleen notices that one of the bags is full of chili peppers. What does she do with the bag? Do she and Mark have enough dried coconut? Does the chef ever get his chili peppers?

1. Who had a delivery to make?
a. Mark and Kathleen.
b. Paco.
c. The chef.

2. Why was Mark blowing dried coconut out of his trunk?
a. Because Mark likes the taste of dried coconut.
b. Because the actors and actresses like the smell.
c. Because dried coconut looks like snow.