
1. He gave her a tender kiss. 他給了她一個溫柔的吻。
2. He kissed his wife and children good-bye. 他吻別他的妻子和孩子。
3. The wind kissed her hair. 微風輕拂著她的頭髮。
4. I was cooking in the kitchen when the telephone rang. 電話鈴響的時候我正在廚房裡做飯。
5. His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident. 他的左膝在一次交通事故中受傷了。
6. I picked up the knife and threw it out of the window. 我拿起了那把刀,把它扔到了窗外。
7. The knights rushed into the palace to protect their king. 騎士們衝向宮殿去保護國王。
8. Someone is knocking at the door. 有人在敲門。
9. He knocked a big hole in the wall. 他把墻撞出了一個大洞。
10. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你聽到敲門聲了嗎?
11. I know what happened. 我知道發生了什麼事。
12. He has known both grief and happiness. 憂患和快樂他都經歷過。
13. I've known Tom for years. 我認識湯姆很多年了。
14. She has a detailed knowledge of this period. 她對這段時期的情況了解地相當詳細。
15. They did it without my knowledge. 他們是背著我做這件事的。
16. My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor. 我的日語相當差。
17. It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修築一條鐵路要花費許多勞動力。
18. You needn't labor a point that is perfectly plain. 這點很明顯,你用不著講個沒完。
19. She wears a dress with delicate lace. 她穿了一件帶有精緻花邊的裙子。
20. If you don't lace up your shoes, you'll trip over. 如果你不系好鞋帶,你會被絆倒的。
21. He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence. 他工作不錯,但似乎缺乏信心。
22. The plant died for lack of water. 植物因缺水而枯死了。
23. She behaved like a lady. 她舉止端莊象一個淑女。
24. The river fed into a lake. 這條河流入一個湖泊。
25. She is gentle like a lamb. 她像只小羊羔一樣溫柔。
26. The sheep are lambing this week. 這個星期綿羊要產羔。
27. A miner's lamp is fixed onto his helmet. 礦燈固定在礦工的頭盔上。
28. We are glad to be on land again. 我們很高興又踏上陸地了。
29. The pilot landed the plane safely. 駕駛員使飛機安全降落。
30. Chinese is my native language. 漢語是我的母語。
31. What languages can you speak? 你會說什麼語言?
32. Shanghai is a large city. 上海是一個大城市。
33. He was the last to arrive. 他到得最晚。
34. He has lived here for the last few years. 過去的幾年他一直住在這裡。
35. Which line comes last in this poem? 這首詩的最後一行是什麼?
36. The hot weather lasted until September. 炎熱的天氣持續到九月。
37. The train was 10 minutes late. 火車晚點了10 分鐘。
38. We went to bed late. 我們很晚才上床。
39. Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive. 這兩個人中,前者已死,而後者仍然活著。
40. Don't laugh at him. 不要嘲笑他。
41. Weeping willows laugh in the breeze. 垂柳迎風歡笑。
42. He told me the news with a laugh. 他笑著告訴我這個消息。
43. The law forbids stealing. 法律禁止盜竊。
44. Let's have tea on the lawn. 我們到草坪上去喝茶吧。
45. You may lay it on the table. 你可以把它放在桌子上。
46. He knows the lay of the land here. 他了解這裡的地形。
47. She is getting lazy. 她漸漸懶惰起來。
48. He is a very lazy person, sleeping all day. 他非常懶惰,整天睡覺。
49. What led you to believe I was ill? 什麼使你相信我病了?
50. The guide led us to the river. 嚮導帶領我們到河邊。
51. He was elected the leader of the union. 他被選為工會的領導人。
52. Which football team is the leader in the football championship? 現在哪個隊在足球錦標賽中領先?
53. Our club is a member of the Football League. 我們的俱樂部是足球聯合會的一員。
54. The police suspected that the bank clerk was in league with the rubbers. 警察懷疑銀行職員與強盜有勾結。
55. The trees leant in the wind. 樹在風中傾斜。 56. He leant on the back of the sofa. 他斜靠在沙發的背上。
57. The little girl only eats lean pork. 這個小女孩只吃瘦肉。
58. The thief leaped the wall and ran away. 小偷越墻逃跑了。
59. His name leapt out at me from the newspaper. 報紙上他的名字一下字跳入我的眼簾。
60. I'm trying to learn English. 我正在盡力學英語。
61. I learned this news from the newspaper. 我從報紙上得知這個消息。
62. The least noise would startle the timid child. 最小的響聲也會嚇著這個膽小的孩子的。
63. Mr. Brown talks least. 布朗先生極少說話。
64. I have a pair of leather mittens. 我有一副皮連指手套。
65. We must leave early. 我們必須早點離開。
66. You've left your food. 你的東西沒吃完。
67. His left arm was broken. 他的左臂斷了。
68. Eyes left! 向左看齊!
69. This chair has only three legs. 這把椅子只有三條腿。
70. The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth. 這房間長15英尺,寬10英尺。
71. He is less tall than she is. 他不如她高。
72. Work more and dream less, you will be much happier. 多做事少空想,這樣你會愉快得多。
73. I missed a lesson yesterday. 昨天我誤了一節課。
74. His car accident has been a lesson to him to stop driving too fast. 他的車禍給了他一個教訓,使他不再開快車。
75. She lets her children play in the garden. 她讓孩子們在花園裡玩。
76. He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以後才回信。
77. Have you answered her letter? 你給她回信了嗎?
78. This word has five letters. 這個單詞有五個字母。
79. The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea level. 這座山的山頂海拔三千米高。
80. We must increase production levels. 我們必須提高生產水平。
81. A football field should be level. 足球場地應該平坦。
82. The bombing raid practically leveled the town. 空襲幾乎把這座城鎮夷為平地。
83. Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty. 這些囚犯們夢想著獲得自由。
84. I am afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss this matter. 對不起,我無權討論這個問題。
85. I like to study in the library. 我喜歡在圖書館學習。
86. He lay on a sofa, reading a book. 他躺在沙發上看書。
87. The village lies across the river. 村莊在河對岸。
88. Many women lie about their age. 許多婦女常在自己的年齡上說謊話。
89. Lies have short legs. 謊言總是站不住腳的。
90. There is no life on the moon. 月球上沒有生物。
91. You'll never see life if you stay at home forever. 如果你一直呆在家裡,就永遠不會有生活經驗。
92. I can't read while you are standing in my light. 你擋住了我的光線,我沒法看書。
93. It's beginning to get light. 天漸漸亮了。
94. The girl has a light hand for knitting. 這女孩手巧,精於編織。