
1. I hope to get away early in the morning. 我希望一早就動身離開。
2. He lives 3 miles away from here. 他住在離這裡三哩的地方。
3. He cut away a dead branch. 他砍掉一根枯乾的樹枝。
4. She is expecting another baby. 她又要生小孩了。
5. Don't be such a baby. 別那麼孩子氣。
6. You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets. 如果你背那些沉重的桶,你的背會痛的。
7. Three people can sit in the back of this car. 這車的後座可坐3個人。
8. John plays back in the team. 約翰在這個隊打後衛。
9. Stand back! You're stepping on my toes. 向後站!你踩在我的腳趾頭上了。
10. Put the book back on the shelf when you've finished it. 書讀完後,要放回原處。
11. Their travel plan was cancelled because of the bad weather. 因為天氣不好,他們的旅行計劃取消了。
12. Smoking is bad for health. 吸煙對身體有害。
13. He lost his travelling bag when he crossed the desert. 他在穿越沙漠的時候丟失了他的旅行袋。
14. The bread is baking in the oven. 烤箱裡正在烤麵包。
15. The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose. 海豚用鼻子頂著球,使其保持平衡。
16. You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages. 你必須權衡住在大城市的利與弊。
17. The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam. 小女孩失去了平衡,從平衡木上摔了下來。
18. She rolled the socks into a ball. 她把襪子卷成一團。
19. How did you enjoy the ball? 你們在舞會上玩得高興嗎?
20. A band of robbers held up the train. 一群強盜搶劫了火車。
21. The town stands on the left bank of the river. 城鎮位於河的左岸。
22. He has a large deposit in the bank. 他在銀行有大筆存款。
23. The organ has two banks of keys. 那架風琴有兩排鍵盤。
24. Clouds are banking up. 雲層正在堆積。
25. I bank with Bank of Communications. 我在交通銀行存款。
26. There are several bars in the hotel. 這家旅館裡有好幾個酒吧。
27. The trees are bare in the winter. 冬天的時候,樹上的葉子全掉光了,光禿禿的。
28. Just give us the bare facts of the case. 你只要向我們提供案件最低限度的事實真相就行。
29. The dog bared its teeth. 狗露出了牙齒。
30. The dog barked when the stranger came near. 當陌生人走近時,狗叫了起來。
31. How many military bases are they maintaining on foreign soil? 他們在外國保持多少個軍事基地?
32. Many languages have Latin as their base. 許多語言都以拉丁語為基礎。
33. This film is based on a novel by D.H.Lawrence. 這部影片是根據D.H.勞倫斯的小說改編的。
34. Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party. 宴會上,大家吃掉了好幾籃水果。
35. He made 48 baskets in the game last night. 他在昨晚的比賽中獨得了48分。
36. Do you like playing basketball? 你喜歡打籃球嗎?
37. They died in the Battle of Waterloo. 他們戰死於滑鐵盧戰役。
38. The two fighters battled for half an hour. 兩個拳擊手戰鬥了半小時。
39. I am a doctor. 我是個醫生。
40. You are my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友。
41. She is the one we are looking for. 她就是我們要找的人。
42. He is at home. 他在家裡。
43. He has been there at least twice. 他至少去過那兒兩次。
44. We enjoy seeing the glorious beams of the rising sun. 我們喜歡觀賞初升太陽的燦爛光輝。
45. She beamed at me. 她對我微笑。
46. This document bore his signature. 這份文件上有他的簽名。
47. She bears little resemblance to her mother. 她不象她母親。
48. He was born in May. 他是五月份出生的。
49. I can't bear having a cat in the house. 家中養貓我受不了。
50. The lion is called the king of beasts. 獅子號稱百獸之王。
51. His father beat the disobedient boy. 他的父親打那個不聽話的男孩。
52. We heard the beat of the drum. 我們聽到鼓聲。
53. Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 觀賞一幅美麗的圖畫使人心滿意足。
54. We enjoyed the beauty of nature. 我們欣賞大自然的美。
55. She is a beauty. 她是一個美人。
56. They hurried on because it was getting dark. 因為天色暗下來了,他們匆匆趕路。
57. The weather became warmer. 天氣變暖和了。
58. This new dress becomes you. 這件新衣服很合你身。
59. Can you give me a bed for the night? 你能給我安置一個床鋪過夜嗎?
60. He always put the interests of others before his own. 他總把他人的利益放在第一位。
61. I have seen that film before. 那部電影我以前看過。
62. He will die before he submits. 他寧死不屈。
63. He lives by begging. 他以行乞為生。
64. The boy begged me not to tell his parents. 這個男孩請求我不要告訴他的父母。
65. I beg your pardon? 請您再說一遍,好嗎?
66. When did you begin learning English? 你何時開始學習英語的?
67. He is behind the plan. 他是幕後策劃人。
68. Don't look behind or you may fall. 別向後看,不然你會摔跤的。
69. Your watch runs behind. 你的表慢了。
70. What is the purpose of our being? 我們生存的目的是什麼?
71. When did the world come into being? 世界是什麼時候形成的?
72. We believe in his ability. 我們相信他的才幹。
73. Can you hear the morning bell ringing? 你能聽到晨鐘響嗎?
74. What party do you belong to? 你屬於哪一黨派?
75. That dictionary belongs to me. 那本字典是屬於我的。
76. The information below was compiled by our correspondent. 以下資料是我們的記者收集整理的。
77. We looked down from the mountain to the valley below. 我們從山上俯瞰下面的山谷。
78. His income is well below the average. 他的收入大大低於平均水平。
79. A belt of trees grew between the two fields. 兩塊田之間有一條樹木帶。
80. The police belted up and went out. 警察系上皮帶,走了出去。
81. An old man sat on the park bench and fed the pigeon. 一位老人坐在公園的長凳上喂鴿子。
82. The branches bent in the wind. 樹枝被風吹彎了。
83. They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands. 他們拒絕屈從於劫機者的要求。
84. The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然轉向東流。
85. The ship sank beneath the waves. 輪船沉沒於波濤下面。
86. This project is of great benefit to everyone. 這項工程對每個人都大有好處。
87. Are you entitled to unemployment benefit? 你有資格領取失業救濟金嗎?
88. I have benefited a lot from extensive reading. 廣泛的閱讀使我受益匪淺。
89. He has a bent for art. 他生性愛好藝術。
90. Tomorrow we'll go to pick berries. 明天我們去采漿果。
91. He lived in a town beside the sea. 他住在一個靠海的城鎮.
92. What is the difference between this and that? 這和那之間的區別是什麼?
93. The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通貨膨脹率已經超過了8%。
94. They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond. 他們越過群山,到了那邊的山谷。