
1. These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight. 這種植物必須遮起來,免受陽光直射。
2. The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in. 突然窗簾拉了開來,一道強光照了進來。
3. Would you put a good shine on these boots? 你把這些靴子好好擦一下好嗎?
4. The ship was due to sail the following morning. 這艘船定於第二天啟航。
5. The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment. 這家石油公司將用船運出輸油管道和重型設備。
6. My husband has several shirts of different colors. 我丈夫有好幾件顏色不同的襯衫。
7. His death was a great shock to us all. 他的死使我們大家都大為震驚。
8. The violence and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers. 節目中的暴力場面和難聽的粗話使許多觀眾感到震驚。
9. Anyone touching that wire could get badly shocked. 任何人碰到那根電線都會遭到嚴重的電擊。
10. The shoes are a perfect fit. 這雙鞋子穿著非常合腳。
11. He shot at the bird, but missed it. 他對著鳥開槍,但沒打中。
12. He had the idea of shooting them against a complete plain white background. 他有個主意,以純白為背景給他們拍攝。
13. He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot. 他邀請我們到他鄉下的莊園去過一次打獵的週末。
14. The local dress shop is having a sale. 附近的時裝店正在大拍賣。
15. I usually go shopping on Sundays. 我通常星期天購物。
16. We found many beautiful shells on the shore. 我們在岸邊找到了好多美麗的貝殼。
17. He seems much shorter without his shoes on. 他沒穿鞋,看上去矮多了。
18. These goods are in short supply; the price will be high. 這些商品現正供應不足,價格會上漲。
19. I heard a shot in his room. 我聽到他的房間內一聲槍響。
20. He won the golf match by two shots. 他以兩桿的成績贏得了這場高爾夫球賽。
21. I knew if I kept at it I should succeed. 我知道如果我堅持下去就會成功。
22. I don't think it will happen, but if it should what shall we do? 我認為那件事不會發生,但如果真的發生,我們該怎麼辦?
23. The boy had a parrot on his right shoulder. 男孩把一隻鸚鵡放在右肩上。
24. The children on the sand were shouting with excitement. 沙灘上的孩子們興奮得大喊大叫。
25. His news was greeted with shouts of joy. 大家都對他的消息報以歡呼。
26. Let me show you the garden. 讓我來帶你看看這個花園吧。
27. One evening the school showed a cowboy film. 有天晚上學校放映了一部西部片。
28. Diana is modeling for a fashion show. 戴安娜正在時裝表演會上當模特。
29. Dates showered down when we shook the tree. 我們搖樹時,棗子紛紛落下。
30. Scattered showers are expected this afternoon. 預料今天下午有零星陣雨。
31. She is taking a shower. 她正在洗淋浴。
32. He shut his eyes to her faults. 他對她的缺點視而不見。
33. He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work. 他與世隔絕一個月,力圖把功課趕上去。
34. Your uncle is very sick. 你的叔叔病得很厲害。
35. A square has four sides but a circle has no sides. 正方形有四條邊,而圓形沒有邊。
36. I will be at your side, as I promised you. 我會陪在你身邊,就象我答應你的那樣。
37. The thief slipped away down a side street. 小偷悄悄從一條小馬路溜走了。
38. He sighed with despair. 他絕望地嘆了口氣。
39. She looked out of the window, sighing for her lost youth. 她看著窗外,為她失去的青春而惋惜。
40. We all heaved a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe. 當我們聽說他們平安無事時,都松了一口氣。
41. We laughed at the sight of his strange clothes. 一看到他古怪的穿著,我們就笑了。
42. The train is still in sight. 火車仍在視線內。
43. Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 烏雲是雨或雪將至的預兆。
44. She signed her name to the document. 她在文件上簽了名。
45. The football team has signed two new players. 該足球隊已簽約聘用了兩名新隊員。
46. There was nothing but silence in the room. 這間屋內聲息全無,一片寂靜。
47. His forceful arguments reduced his opponents to silence. 他那有力的論點駁得對手啞口無言。
48. The old house was quite silent. 這所舊房子非常寂靜。
49. If you are arrested you have the right to remain silent. 如果你被捕,你有權保持沉默。
50. She is wearing a silk scarf. 她佩戴著一條絲綢圍巾。
51. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 她生來富貴。
52. The years have silvered her hair. 歲月已使她的青絲似雪。
53. I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 我喜歡樸素但漂亮雅致的衣服。
54. Since you can't answer the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else. 既然你無法回答這個問題,我們最好再問問別人。
55. We've been friends ever since we met at school. 自從我們在學校認識之後,我們就一直是好朋友。
56. Birds sing loudest in the early morning. 鳥兒在清晨高聲歌唱。
57. She was singing a lullaby to her child. 她正在給孩子唱搖籃曲。
58. The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 這封信只用一張紙寫成。
59. Thank you, sir. 謝謝您,先生。
60. Joan and Lily are sisters. 瓊和麗麗是姐妹。
61. He sat at his desk working. 他坐在桌子旁邊工作。
62. The farm sits on the side of the hill. 農場位於山坡上。
63. The child will be six. 那孩子將滿六歲了。
64. My new house is on the sixth floor. 我的新房子在六樓。
65. The company doubled its size in nine years. 9年來這家公司的規模擴大了一倍。
66. A man's shirt is sized by its neck. 男子的襯衫號碼是按領口大小分的。
67. He had brown skin. 他的皮膚是棕色的
68. How many skirts do you have? 你有多少條裙子?
69. The sky turned dark as the storm came near. 暴風雨來臨時,天空轉暗。
70. He treats his wife like a slave. 他把妻子當作奴隸看待。
71. He is a slave to drink. 他是個酒鬼。
72. I haven't had enough sleep lately. 最近我睡眠不夠。
73. I didn't sleep well last night. 昨晚我睡不安穩。
74. I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. 我一點也不明白你在說些什麼。
75. The soap slipped out of my hand. 肥皂從我手上滑落了。
76. You are not going to let a wonderful chance like that slip through your fingers, are you? 你不會錯過那樣的好機會,對嗎?
77. My watch is five minutes slow. 我的表慢五分鐘。
78. This student is slow in learning English. 這個學生學英語很笨。
79. This coat is too small for me. 這件上衣對我來說太小了。
80. These dogs have a marvelous sense of smell. 這些狗有非常敏銳的嗅覺。
81. I could smell that the milk was not fresh. 我聞得出牛奶不新鮮。
82. She smiled at me. 她向我微笑。
83. Her smile makes her even more beautiful. 她的微笑使她更美麗了。
84. The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away. 著火的房子的冒出的煙在幾個街區外都能看到。
85. Peter smokes several cigars everyday. 彼得每天抽好幾支雪茄。
86. Her skin is as smooth as silk. 她的皮膚像絲綢一樣光滑。
87. She smoothed out wrinkles out of the tablecloth. 她把桌布上的皺褶弄平。
88. She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms. 她輕輕地把防曬油涂在胳膊上。
89. He watched his woods filled up with snow. 他眼看著他的樹林漸漸被雪覆蓋。
90. It was snowing heavily. 天正在下大雪。
91. He is so honest that he will not accept bribe. 他忠誠老實,不肯受賄。
92. You have pride and so have I. 你有自尊心,我也有。
93. It was snowing, and so I could not go out. 天在下雪,所以我無法外出。
94. Society has a right to expect people to obey the law. 社會有權要求人們守法。