牙齒潔亮 未來靠鈦牙刷For Teeth, the Future Gleams With Titanium
One of the brushes dispenses with toothpaste, instead employing a core of titanium dioxide that generates a plaque-removing electrochemical reaction. The other uses fine, flexible titanium bristles that can last for years. Both are getting favorable, if preliminary, reviews from scientists, dentists and consumer testers. 其中一把是免用牙膏的牙刷,利用二氧化鈦的芯心產生電化學反應來清潔牙菌斑。另外一把是以纖細又有彈性的鈦刷毛製成,可用好幾年。儘管還是初步結果,科學家、牙醫師、消費者試用,都給這兩把刷子正面的評價。
The manual toothbrush has remained largely unchanged for generations. The new brushes take some getting used to. 手動牙刷幾世代以來大致未變,新牙刷還有待人們慢慢習慣。
“People think it’s hocus-pocus,” said Erik Powers, of Powers International in Henderson, Nevada, who has recently started importing the $29.95 no-toothpaste Soladey brush to the United States. The brush was invented in Japan. “If you put this on the shelf next to a 99-cent toothbrush, which would you buy?” 內華達州罕得森「包爾斯國際公司」的艾瑞克‧包爾斯說:「有人認為這是唬人的玩意兒。上架後和99美分一把的牙刷擺在一起,你會買哪個?」包爾斯最近開始進口一把29.95美元、免牙膏的Soladey牙刷到美國。這個牙刷是日本人發明的。
For Nick Ravotti, a store manager in Manhattan, there is no question. “I’m a believer,” said Mr. Ravotti, who was given a brush by a reporter who received samples from the company. 對紐約曼哈坦一家商店經理尼克‧拉佛提,這把牙刷沒什麼問題。拉佛提說:「我是它的愛用者。」一位記者收到幾個樣品,給他一把試用。
When he eats his favorite salsa, the aftertaste, “normally kind of stagnant and sour,” is simply gone, Mr. Ravotti said. “It’s the most bizarre feeling,” he added. 拉佛提說,每當吃完偏愛的莎莎醬,嘴裏「總有股酸臭感」,現在這種餘味全沒了。他說:「這種感覺真奇妙。」
Admittedly, it’s awkward, because the brush must be activated by bright light. (Mr. Ravotti shines a desk lamp into his mouth.) 他承認,這款牙刷必須靠強光啟動,讓他覺得怪怪的。(拉佛提拿起桌燈照進嘴裡。)
The brush, available at soladey-usa.com, relies on a property of titanium dioxide. It is photocatalytic, meaning that it causes chemical reactions in the presence of light. 這款可以從soladey-usa.com買到的牙刷,全靠二氧化鈦一項特性,那是一種光催化作用,意謂光的照射會使它產生化學反應。
Light shining on the titanium dioxide rod in the brush’s handle generates negatively charged electrons, which steal positively charged ions from dental plaque, causing oxidation. Brushing creates a slurry of negatively charged saliva, which attracts and decomposes plaque. 牙刷握把內有一根二氧化鈦芯,光線照射會產生負電電子,它會竊取牙垢的正電離子,形成氧化作用。刷牙產生的大量負電唾液,會吸引並分解牙垢。
The concept makes sense, said Donald C. Selmarten, a senior scientist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. “They are suggesting you can do oxidative electrochemistry inside your mouth,” he said. “The principle sounds reasonable.” 科羅拉多高登市「國家再生能源實驗室」資深科學家唐納‧賽馬頓說,這個概念言之成理。他說:「他們意指你可以在嘴裡行電化學氧化作用。這原理聽起來很合理。 」
But Dr. Selmarten has questions about the details – whether the wavelength of visible light is high enough to drive the reaction inside a dark mouth, and whether the resulting positive charge will actually remove plaque. The assumption is that “saliva, which is an aqueous solution with biomolecules in it, will be enough electrolyte to actually break down the contaminant,” he said. 不過,賽馬頓博士對細節仍有疑問。他懷疑,可見光的波長是否高到能在黑暗的嘴巴內引起反應,後來產生的正電又是否真的能清除牙齒菌斑。他說,這項假設是「唾液這個內含生命分子,有如水般的溶液,會有足夠的電解質,真的能夠分解汙染牙齒的細菌」。
The company says the titanium dioxide core will never lose effectiveness. But it does sell replacement heads, because the nylon bristles will eventually splay. 公司表示,二氧化鈦芯心永遠不會失效。但尼龍刷的毛刷到最後會開花,公司因此販賣更換的刷頭。
That is the problem that the TiFinity toothbrush, with its long-lasting titanium bristles, aims to solve. 這正是以持久型鈦刷毛製造牙刷,TiFinity牙刷公司鎖定解決的問題。
“The efficacy of a nylon brush, which is the plaque-removal ability, drops 30 percent in the first three months,” said TiFinity’s inventor, Dane Q. Robinson, a dentist in Tempe, Arizona. The TiFinity brush should last several years. TiFinity發明人、亞利桑納州天普牙醫師丹恩‧羅賓森說;「尼龍牙刷的功效,亦即清除牙垢的能力,頭三個月即下降30%。」TiFinity牙刷應能使用數年。
Dr. Robinson, who invented the WaterPik automatic flosser, originally tried it with a filament of titanium alloy. He figured it would be excellent bristle material if it could be drawn fine enough. WaterPik牌電動牙線發明人羅賓森博士,最初嘗試使用鈦合金細絲,他認為如果拉得夠細,它是絕佳的刷毛材質。
Nylon bends but does not fully rebound, so the user must “do a lot of wiggling and jiggling,” Dr. Robinson said, to get the brush into the sulcus – the cuff of flesh that encircles each tooth – and the spaces between teeth. 尼龍可彎曲但無法完全反彈,羅賓森說,使用者因此必須「做很多扭動和抖動的動作」,讓刷毛進入牙齒溝槽,亦即包圍每顆牙齒的齒肉間,及牙齒與牙齒之間。
TiFinity’s bristles, on the other hand, should lose neither shape nor effectiveness. Brushers gently move the tips of the bristles under the gumline and into the teeth’s deepest crevices. 易言之,TiFinity的刷毛不會變形,也不會失去功能。刷牙的人以刷毛的頂端在牙齦線下輕輕移動,進入牙齒最深的縫隙中。
Dr. Robinson said the brush will be available from his company’s Web site, TiFinityToothbrush.com. It is to cost $46.95. 羅賓森說,消費者將可從公司網站TiFinityToothbrush.com購買牙刷,每把定價46.95美元。
Dr. Michael Bruno, a Manhattan dentist, examined the brush and was favorably impressed. Long-term testing is necessary, he said, but it seems the brush can easily remove plaque at the “delicate interface” between hard and soft tissues. 曼哈坦牙醫師麥可‧布魯諾試用過,印象不錯。他說,長期試用有必要,但牙刷在軟硬組織的「複雜介面」裡似乎也能輕鬆清除牙垢。
“The brush represents a potential paradigm shift in the profession,” he said. 他說:「這把牙刷可能代表這一行一項巨大的轉變。」
作者指出兩把牙刷,可能在牙齒衛生(dental hygiene)的世界掀起革命(revolutionize),文章最後還以潛在的(potential)巨大轉變(paradigm shift)形容。
Paradigm shift的觀念,最早由美國科學思想家庫恩(Thomas Samuel Kuhn, 1922-1996年)於他的代表作《科學革命的結構》(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,1962年)中提出,儘管此一名詞並非他所創(coin a phrase)。
Paradigm shift最早用以指科學理論中根本假設的改變,學術界的定譯是「典範轉移」,但此詞現在廣泛用於所有領域,譯法不妨視情況變通。庫恩指出,任何科學研究的重大突破,幾乎都是先從打破舊思維開始。
本文中的兩把牙刷,均與鈦金屬(titanium)有關,一把是將一個二氧化鈦(titanium dioxide)的芯心(core,rod)置於牙刷的握把(handle)內,利用電化學反應(electrochemical reaction),以達到清除(remove)牙垢(plaque)的效果。
這種牙刷不需要(dispense with)牙膏,公司保證芯心永不失效(lose effectiveness),換句話說,這個芯心可以永不更換,但是尼龍(nylon)刷毛(bristle)用久了會開花(splay),所以公司另外還販賣可以更換的刷頭(replacement head)。
另一把牙刷則是將鈦製成刷毛,這種刷毛持久耐用(long-lasting),用幾年也不變形(lose shape)。它的刷毛非常纖細(fine),且比尼龍刷毛有彈性(flexible)。
專家雖認為價格遠高於一般牙刷的這兩把牙刷,還需經過長期測試(long-term testing),才能確知它的功效(efficacy),但初步結果普獲好評(favorably impressed)。
時代變,態度改 辦公室戀情漸熱As Attitudes Shift, Love Blossoms Amid Cubicles
- ph. []1. 結束的信號
- []vt.1. 使瀕於危險境地;冒...的危險;危及
Yet as Ms. Kay, 29, cheerfully recounted, the human resources director told her, “We’re just all really glad that you made a friend.” 結果,29歲的凱伊愉快地說起約談過程,人資部主任告訴她:「我們都很樂見妳交了個朋友。」
- []vt.1. 敘述,講述
That some people believe they can openly date co-workers without endangering their job reflects what those who study the workplace and several surveys suggest: the conventional wisdom about dating the person in the next cubicle is going the way of outdated. 有人認為,和同事公開交往不會危及工作,這種看法呼應那些研究職場的學者及幾項調查的結論:有關「與隔壁辦公桌的人約會」的傳統看法已愈來愈不合時宜。
- []n.1. 小臥室2. 小隔間
Despite years of stern warnings – touched off by the heightened consciousness of sexual harassment in the 1990s – more workers in the United States think dating a colleague is not only acceptable, but logical. Those who follow the evolution of the workplace romance say the stigma may be fading because the line between business and personal life is blurring among younger workers. They are working longer hours. Their workplaces encourage collaboration. And, of course, most single people are in the work force. 儘管多年來不斷嚴厲警告(源自1990年代對職場性騷擾提高警覺),愈來愈多美國上班族認為,同事約會不僅可以接受,也合情合理。長期追蹤職場戀情發展的人說,辦公室戀情的汙名逐漸消失,因為對年輕工作者,工作與私生活之間的分際日益模糊。他們工時比從前長,工作場所也鼓勵團隊合作。當然,單身者絕大多數是上班族。
- []a.1. 嚴格的,嚴厲的;嚴峻的;苛刻的
- ph. []1. 引起;觸發
- []n.1. 煩惱;煩擾;騷擾[U]
- []n.[C]1. 恥辱,污名
- []n.1. 模糊;模糊不清的事物vt.1. 使模糊不清,使朦朧
- []vi.1. 共同工作;合作
“I graduated from college seven and a half years ago, and with the exception of maybe two people, I’ve only dated people I work with,” said Ms. Kay, who has never worried about whether workplace dating was professional or even allowed. Ms. Kay and Mr. Lacks, 26, eventually got married. 凱伊從不擔心辦公室戀情是否有損專業形象,或職場是否容許:「我大學畢業已經七年半,我約會的對象也許只有兩個不是同事。」凱伊與26歲的雷克斯後來結婚了。
- []ph.1. 除...外
In 1999, when Whitney Chianese, of Rye, N.Y., began dating the man who is now her husband at a sports marketing company, “it was very hush-hush,” she said. 1999年,在紐約州萊伊城一家運動行銷公司上班的惠妮‧奇安尼斯開始和現在的老公約會,她說:「當時我們都不敢張揚。」
- []a.1. 極祕密的n.1. 祕密氣氛;祕密政策
“It was known within our inner circle at work,” said Ms. Chianese, 28, “but it was like ‘how comfortable do you feel with senior management knowing?’” 現年28歲的奇安尼斯說:「只有最親近的同事才知道,但他們還是會問:『上頭知道你們在交往,你們覺得自在嗎?』」
- []ph.1. (團體)內圈人士;內圈;核心集團
As it turns out, more comfortable than one might think. An online survey this year by CareerBuilder.com, job search Web site, found a significant drop in the number of workers who are keeping an office romance a secret, down from 46 percent in 2005 to 34 percent in 2007. About half of workers say they have dated a co-worker. 事實上,他們比外人想像的要自在。工作搜尋網站CareerBuilder.com 今年做了一項網路調查,發現不公開辦公室戀情的上班族明顯減少,從2005年的46%降為2007年的34%。將近一半職場人表示他們曾和同事約會。
In “Office Mate: The Employee Handbook for Finding – and Managing – Romance on the Job,” the writers Stephanie Losee and Helaine Olen (who both married colleagues) say the workplace is the new village – and therefore an ideal place to find love. 《辦公室愛侶:員工尋覓/處理職場戀情指南》作者史蒂芬妮‧羅西與荷藍‧歐倫(兩人都和同事結婚)在書中說,職場是個新的村莊,因此也是尋覓真愛的理想地方。
Ms. Losee said the growing acceptance of office dating is something of a backlash against dating Web sites. “I’m not surprised that the Internet has not proven to be the locus of community we thought it would be,” she said. “We need to be physically near each other to feel happier and better in our everyday lives.” 羅西說,大家愈來愈接受辦公室戀情,是對約會交友網站的某種反彈。她說:「事實證明,網路不是我們心目中所以為的社交地點,我對此一點也不感到訝異。我們必須實際與人接觸,日常生活才比較愉快如意。」
- []ph.1. 有幾分
- []n.1. 反衝,反撞2. 強烈反應;強烈反對
- []n.1. 所在地
- []ad.1. 按照自然規律2. 身體上3. 實際上;完全地,全然
“Where do we still have that physical proximity of neighborhoodliness?” she said. “It’s at the office.” 她問:「哪裡還找得到鄰居情誼帶來的那種親近感?就在辦公室。」
- []n.1. 接近,鄰近;親近[U][(+to/of)]
People who work together have time to get to know one another, Ms. Losee and Ms. Olen said, to see how potential paramours behave under stress or how they treat colleagues and underlings. Unlike online daters, singles in the workplace are less likely to dismiss a good partner based on hasty judgments. Take Ms. Losee’s husband, who is shorter than her and who liked to wear an oversize linen jacket, she said, that leaves something to be desired. “If I met him at a bar I would not have given him a chance,” she said. 羅西與歐倫說,一起工作的人有時間了解彼此,看看潛在的情人在壓力下如何自處、如何對待同事與屬下。職場單身者與網戀男女不同,他們比較不會因草率判斷而放棄優質伴侶。羅西說,以她丈夫為例,他丈夫比她矮,又愛穿特大號亞麻布夾克,這個男人的條件顯然不是太理想。她說:「我要是在酒吧碰上他,絕不會給他任何機會。」
- []n.[C]1. 情夫;情婦
- []n.1. 【貶】部下,下屬;下手;走卒
- []a.1. 匆忙的,急忙的2. 倉促的,輕率的
- []n.1. 亞麻布,亞麻線(紗)[U]2. 亞麻布製品(如床單,桌巾,內衣等)[P1]
Attempts to regulate office relationships are not just meant to avoid sexual harassment claims. Romance among colleagues can lead to unfair and unethical treatment, and to a poisonous atmosphere that affects many others. In her book, “Giving Notice: Why the Best and the Brightest Leave the Workplace and How You Can Help Them Stay,” Freada Kapor Klein explains how unproductive, even hostile, a work environment can be if there is a culture of crudeness or rampant extramarital affairs, especially those that cross lines of power and authority. 管制辦公室戀情的諸多努力,不只是為了避免性騷擾。同事戀情可能導致不公平或不道德的對待,而且形成影響許多其他人的不快氣氛。芙瑞塔‧卡波‧克萊恩在她的著作《通知:為何最優秀聰穎的員工離開職場,你該怎麼留人》中寫道,辦公室如充斥粗魯或婚外情盛行的文化,將使工作環境生產力低落,甚至充滿敵意,當事人如跨越權力與職權的界線,尤其如此。
- []ph.1. 性騷擾
- []a.1. 敵人的,敵方的2. 懷敵意的;不友善的[(+to)]
- []n.[U]1. 天然狀態2. 粗陋;粗糙;未成熟3. 粗魯;粗野
- []a.1. 繁茂的;蔓生的2. 狂暴的,猛烈的,不能控制的
- []a.1. 婚外的
Yet Ms. Kapor Klein, the founder of the Level Playing Field Institute, a nonprofit organization that promotes fairness in the workplace and in society, said that forbidding office dating, even between superiors and subordinates, is no solution. “The real issue is not that they’re sleeping with each other,” she said. “The real issue is that their emotional attachment to each other may get in the way of their business judgment.” 不過,提倡職場與社會公平的非營利組織「公平競爭研究所」創辦人卡波‧克萊恩女士說,禁止辦公室戀情,甚至禁止上司和屬下談戀愛,並非解決之道。她說:「同事上床不是問題關鍵,真正關鍵在於他們之間的愛慕情愫可能影響專業判斷。」
- []a.1. 下級的[(+to)]n.1. 部下,部屬;下級職員
- []ph.1. 妨礙2. 在...方面;關於
Ms. Kapor Klein is married to her former chief executive, Mitchell Kapor, the founder of Lotus Development Corporation. 卡波‧克萊恩嫁給曾是她任職公司執行長的米契爾‧卡波,卡波是蓮花發展公司創辦人。
So is the woman to whom companies turn for policy advice in favor of office love? 那麼,常有企業向她尋求政策建議的這位女士,支持辦公室戀情嗎?
“Keep in mind the current success rate of marriage is about 50-50,” Ms. Kapor Klein said. “Just thinking purely in terms of probability, what do you think the odds are of an office romance working out? Has to be less than 50-50. So before you rush ahead, think about how it’s going to feel to sit in this weekly staff meeting with somebody who you had a miserable breakup with and who you actually wish didn’t exist on the planet. Think about it. And then take a reasonable risk.” 卡波‧克萊恩說:「別忘了,當前婚姻成敗機率各半。單單考量或然率,你認為辦公室戀情成功的機率多高?一定不到50%。所以在你一頭栽入辦公室戀情前,要先想想,每星期員工會議時,坐在和你痛苦分手、你巴不得他從未現身地球的這個人旁邊,會是什麼感受?想一想,認為風險合理,就試試吧。」
- []1. 就...而論;在...方面
- []1. 有可能
- []1. 有好結果
- []n.1. 中斷;中止2. 分離,分散,分裂
經典老歌The Nearness of You歌詞說,「蒼白月色不能使我激動,令我興奮愉快,唯有你在我身旁」(It’s not the pale moon that excites me. That thrills and delights me. It’s just the nearness of you.),生動描述「近水樓台」之樂。
本文標題中的cubicle,意指彼此相連卻以牆隔間的辦公桌。愛情花朵在這些辦公室隔間中綻放(Love blossoms amid cubicles.),就是「辦公室戀情」(office romance)。
例句:他們在戰火方熾時相愛(Their love blossoms in times of war.)。
本文重點是標題提到的態度轉變(attitude shift)。作者說,上班族對於「和隔壁辦公桌的同事約會」(dating the person in the next cubicle),態度已有所改變。眾所周知的傳統智慧(conventional wisdom)顯得不合時宜(outdated),大家不再視辦公室戀情為禁忌。
愈來愈多人願意公開辦公室戀情,也凸顯那些約會交友網站(dating websites)其實無法提供寂寞芳心需要的實際肢體親近感(physical proximity)。
- []n.1. 接近,鄰近;親近[U][(+to/of)
Cows on parade 群牛逛大街
- []n.1. 趕攏;被趕在一起的家畜2. 召集;集攏;圍捕
- []ph.1. (拓荒時代)蠻荒的美國西部
None of that mattered earlier this month when a resident called to report a herd of cattle walking through her yard. 本月稍早,一位當地居民打電話報案說有一群牛走過他的院子,打破了小鎮以往的寧靜。
Mayor Bill Boyd was first on the scene. He honked his horn at the nine bulls, cows and calves that were walking along. They were barely 90m from the town's main street. 鎮長比爾.柏伊德是第一個趕到現場的人,他朝著九頭行進中的公牛、母牛和小牛鳴按喇叭,牠們距離該鎮的主要街道只有九十公尺。
- ph. []1. 出現
- []vi.1. 發雁鳴或汽車喇叭聲
"Two of them had pretty good horns on them," Boyd said. 「其中兩頭頭上都有一對漂亮的角,」柏伊德說。
Boyd got eight of the critters to stop, but the ninth just kept heading toward the town's main street. 柏伊德制止了其中八頭繼續前進,但仍有一頭持續朝著該鎮的主要街道邁進。
- []n.1. 【口】異常動物2. 【謔】生物;家畜
Nathan Claycomb, a police officer, joined the mayor in trying to stop the stubborn animal. 警員奈森.克萊康也加入,與鎮長並肩設法阻止這頭難應付的牲畜。
Then a handful of residents joined in. Together they managed to get the wandering herd locked up in a nearby field. 接著,又有一群居民加入這個行列。最後他們合力將這群四處閒晃的牛隻關在附近的一處牧場。
Boyd said he doesn't know who owns the cattle.柏伊德說,他不知道這群牛的主人是誰。
1. cattle roundup n. phr. 趕牛入圈 (gan3 niu2 ru4 juan4)
例: We took part in a cattle roundup last week. (我們上週嘗試了趕牛入圈。)
2. herd n. 畜群 (chu4 qun2)
例: We saw a herd of elephants in Africa. (我們在非洲看到了一群大象。)
3. critter n. 動物 (dong4 wu4)
例: There's a strange looking critter in the yard.(院子裡有一隻長相奇怪的動物。)
4. stubborn adj. 頑固的 (wan2 gu4 de5),難應付的 (nan2 ying4 fu4 de5)
例: Some people are very stubborn about petty things. (有些人對一些瑣事非常固執。)
電郵使人分心?善加管理即可Does E-Mail Distract? Not if You Take Charge
- ph. []1. 開始從事2. 佔用;化去
A. There is no doubt that e-mail, with its unparalleled ability to interrupt thoughts and offer other distractions, can sap productivity and undermine our ability to concentrate at work. 答:電子郵件有打斷思路和提供其他分心事物的空前本事,毫無疑問會降低生產力,並破壞我們專心工作的能力。
- []a.1. 無比的;無雙的;空前未有的
- []vt.1. 削弱,逐漸消耗
- []vt.1. 暗中破壞;逐漸損害
Some workers maintain that they can work simultaneously on e-mail and other tasks. But in fact, “our brains aren’t able to do two things at one time,” said Kathleen Nadeau, a business coach and clinical psychologist who specializes in attention deficit disorder and time management. “We are constantly interrupting one task to attend to another task,” she said, “and that leads to very rapid cognitive fatigue.” 一些上班族堅稱他們能同時處理電郵和其他工作。但專攻注意力不足症和時間管理的企業教練凱瑟琳‧納道說,事實上,「我們的大腦無法同時做兩件事」。她說:「我們不斷中斷一件工作,去處理另一件工作。這會導致快速認知疲勞。」
- []ad.1. 同時地
- []n.1. 不足額;赤字[C]
- []a.1. 認知的;認識的
- []n.1. 疲勞,勞累[U]
Q. Is there any way that e-mail can have a positive effect? 問:電郵有沒有在哪方面可能有正面影響?
A. Some psychologists say e-mail interruptions can enhance creativity and productivity – up to a point. 答:部分心理學家說,電子郵件的干擾可在一定程度上加強創造力和生產力。
Adam Cox, a clinical psychologist whose work focuses on the effects of multitasking and interruptions, said that when we receive work-related e-mail messages, they often stimulate the prefrontal cortex of the brain, our creative center, and make us better at problem solving. 專攻多重工作和干擾影響的臨床心理學家亞當‧考克斯說,我們收到和工作有關的電子郵件時,通常會刺激我們的創造力中樞,也就是大腦前額頁皮層,使我們更擅長解決問題。
- []n.1. 【電腦】多重任務處理;多重任務執行
- []a.1. 【解】前額葉的
- []n.1. 腦皮層2. 皮層,皮質
But there is a limit, Dr. Cox cautioned. “We don’t know how many e-mails puts a person over the edge,” he said, “but clearly at some point, it no longer leads to greater productivity.” 但考克斯警告說,這也有其限度。他說:「我們不知道多少封電郵才會把人逼急,但顯然達到某個程度以後,電郵就不再創造更高的生產力。」
Q. Should you try to limit the number of times you check e-mail during the day? 問:應該試著去限制白天查看電郵的次數嗎?
A. Ideally, yes, though your ability to do that will depend on your job and your industry. Most organizational experts suggest setting aside two or three times a day to check e-mail. 答:理想上,是的,不過你能做到什麼程度,要看你的工作和產業而定。大部分組織專家建議每天撥出時間查看電郵兩三次。
- ph. []1. 留出,撥出2. 不顧;不理會3. 駁回;撤銷
Kerul Kassel, president of New Leaf Systems, a productivity consulting firm in New Harmony, Florida, said that if it is impossible to ignore incoming e-mail for big chunks of time, putting limits on your viewing time can help. 佛羅里達州新哈莫尼市的生產力顧問公司新葉系統公司總裁克魯爾‧卡塞爾說,如果絕大部分時間做不到不去理會不斷傳進來的電郵,限制閱讀電郵的時間也許有幫助。
- []n.【口】[C]1. (肉、木材等的)大塊,厚片2. 相當大的部分(或數量)
Q. What should you do when the in-box is overflowing? 問:收件匣滿了該怎麼辦?
A. Before opening any new messages, you may want to scan for those you are most likely able to answer in two minutes or less, and tackle those immediately. “You don’t want to have to open it again later and re-analyze the same message,” said Mike Song, chief executive of Cohesive Knowledge Solutions, an e-mail efficiency and business etiquette training firm in Guilford, Connecticut, and co-author of “The Hamster Revolution: How to Manage Your E-Mail Before It Manages You.” 答:在打開新郵件前,也許該先花一兩分鐘掃描你最可能回覆的郵件,並立刻處理這些郵件。康乃狄克州吉爾福德市的電郵效率和企業禮儀訓練公司「凝聚知識解決方案」執行長邁可‧宋說:「你不會想稍後還得再打開和重新分析同一封郵件。」他也是「倉鼠革命:如何在電郵控制你之前控制它」一書的共同作者。
- []vt.1. 著手對付(或處理)2. 與...交涉[O][(+about/over/on)]
- []a.1. 有黏著力的;凝聚性的;有結合力
- []n.[U]1. 禮節;禮儀2. (同業間的)規矩;成規
- []n.1. 【動】倉鼠
You can also use a preview function, which lets you read the first line or two of a message and immediately delete what you don’t need, said Eric Abrahamson, a professor at Columbia Business School in New York. 紐約哥倫比亞商學院教授艾瑞克‧亞布拉罕森說,你也可以利用預覽功能,這種功能讓你先看一封電郵的頭一兩行,並立刻刪除不需要的信。
Q. How can you cut down on the amount of e-mail you receive? 問:如何減少所收到的電郵?
- ph. []1. 削減2. 縮短
A. Don’t hit “reply” too often. 答:不要太常按「回信」鍵。
Remember: the fewer messages you send, the fewer you are likely to receive, Mr. Song said. 邁可‧宋說,記住:你傳送出去的電郵愈少,你可能收到的愈少。
The Ultimate IQ Test Book - Publisher‘s note
The tests that follow have been compiled for this book and are not, therefore, standardized,
so an actual IQ assessment cannot be given. However, a guide to assessing your performance for each test is provided below as well as a cumulative guide for your overall performance on all 25 tests.
Atime limit of 90 minutes is allowed for each test. The correct answers are given at the end of the book, and you should award yourself one point for each completely correct answer. Calculators may be used to assist with solving numerical questions if preferred.
Use the following table to assess your performance in each of the 25 tests:
One test:
Score Rating
36–40 Exceptional
31–35 Excellent
25–30 Very good
19–24 Good
14–18 Average