Gu Gu bites again 貓熊古古又咬人了

Gu Gu, a panda who is one of the star attractions at the Beijing Zoo, has tasted human flesh for the second time. 「古古」是北京動物園內一隻相當受到歡迎的明星熊貓,牠又再次咬傷一名遊客。

The eight-year-old panda was surprised when Li Xitao, a 15-year-old boy who sells recyclables he picks up off the street, jumped into the panda exercise area last month. Gu Gu, who weighs 110kg, attacked the boy. Li had both his legs gnawed to the bone. 平常靠撿拾資源回收維生的十五歲男孩李喜濤上個月忽然跳入熊貓活動區,驚嚇到今年八歲的古古,體重重達一百一十公斤的古古攻擊這位男孩,結果李的兩條腿都被咬到深可見骨。
  • []vt.1. 咬,啃,嚙;咬斷;咬成[(+off/away)]2. 消耗;腐蝕;侵蝕[(+away)]3. 使煩惱,折磨

In September last year, Gu Gu bit a chunk out of a leg of a drunken man. The man had jumped into Gu Gu's pen to hug the panda. 去年九月,古古也咬下了一名醉漢腿上的一塊肉。這名醉漢因為想要擁抱古古而跳進牠的圍欄內。
  • []n.【口】[C]1. (肉、木材等的)大塊,厚片2. 【美】矮而壯實的人(或馬)3. 相當大的部分(或數量)

Pandas have long been known to be a bit crazy at times. They are capable of attacking humans, especially if they feel threatened. 熊貓的本性偶爾就會發狂,牠們會攻擊人類,尤其是在牠們感到威脅時。

Zoo workers seem to be blaming the boy for the latest attack, saying he shouldn't have jumped into Gu Gu's pen. And police said that the boy climbed over the zoo wall to avoid buying an entry ticket. 園方將這次熊貓攻擊事件怪罪在男孩身上,認為是他不應該跳進古古的柵欄內。警方也表示這名男孩是為了省錢所以爬越動物園外牆試圖入園參觀。

(Staff Writer, with AFP)

1. attraction n. 受歡迎之物
例: Pandas are a big attraction at the zoo.
2. flesh n. 肉 (rou4)
例: Sharks love to bite into flesh.
3. gnaw v.i./v.t. 啃咬 (ken2 yao3)
例: Rover likes to gnaw on bones.
4. threaten v.i./v.t. 威脅 (wei1 xie2)
例: Don't threaten people who are stronger than you.